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You know you’re Italian when…

italiansAmong the Italians communities around the world, and specially in USA and Australia, there is a long list of peculiarities that a “real” Italian should have. This is a part of the list with the funniest sentences you can find on it.

You Know you’re Italian when:
You have a nonna.
Your nonna’s meat balls are the best.
You eat Sunday dinner at 2:00.
Your car has a green red and a white bow with a horn attached on the mirror!
Your favorite slow song: Ti Amo.
You know all the words of That’s Amore.
The Godfather is your role model.
At least one person in your family does a great impression of Don Corleone.
You love Nutella… anytime…
You always dress to impress.
You love Versace, Gucci, Prada, Armani, just cause they are Italian.
You’ve been hit with a wooden spoon or had a shoe thrown at you by either your mother or your nonna.
Pasta, pasta, pasta everyday.
Your mechanic, plumber, electrician, accountant and travel agent are all blood relatives.
At least 5 of your cousins live on your street. All 5 of those cousins are named after your grandfather.
It is impossible for you to talk with your hands in your pockets.
You have many relatives named either Joe or Mary…
Your grandfather had a fig tree.
You’ve always wanted a red Ferrari.
You feel strangely comfortable when you sit on plastic-covered furniture.
You think have a concrete backyard is nice.
You are offended when the wedding you attend serves less than 9 courses despite the fact that you don’t eat half of it.
You actually believe everyone eats those sugared almonds in the bomboniere at your wedding.
You always have a friend who ‘owes you a favor’.

If you want to know if these stereotypes are still true or not, why don’t you take a course at AdG Italian language school in Florence?

4 comments to You know you’re Italian when…

  • Eva, Lizzie. Lora, Molly

    Avete una “nonna.”
    Le polpette di vostra nonna sono le migliori.
    Mangiate il pranzo do domenica alle quattordici.
    La vostra macchina ha un fiocco verde, rosso, e bianco con un clacson attaccato al specchio.
    La vostra canzone lenta preferita e “Ti amo.”

  • Marissa and Lena

    Tu sai tutte le parole di c’e amore.
    Il Don è il tuo modello.
    Almeno una persona nella tua famiglia può fare un buon impressione di Don Corleone.
    Ami Nutella……ogni momento
    Ti vesti sempre per fare un impressione.
    -Marissa & Lena

  • Nicole, Alessandro e Massimo

    21. Sei offeso quando partecipi in un matrimonio che serve meno di 9 piatti, anche se mangi solo mezzo di tutto.

    22. Credi che tutti mangiano quelle mandorle nelle bomboniere al tuo matriomonio.

    23. Hai sempre un amico chi ti deve ritornare un favore.

  • Elizabeth Novella and Kati Schwartz

    Si Vuoi bene i disegnatori Versace, Gucci, Prada, Armani solo perche’ sono italiani

    Ti Colpiva con una cucchiaio di legno o sua mamma o nonna ti hanno tirato una scarpa.

    Pasta, Pasta, Pasta ogni giorno.

    La sua meccanica, idraulico, elettricista, contabile, e agente di viaggi sono tutti parenti stretti.

    Almeno 5 dei tuoi cugini abitano sulla tua strada. Tutte 5 dei cugini hanno il nome del tuo nonno.

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