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Luglio 2024

Art workshops in Florence from April to September

Here are the dates of all the Art seminars that are offered at AdG in 2012.

Workshops in 2012

April April 30 – May 4 Sketchbook and landscape

May May 7 – 11 Life Drawing May 14 – 18 Sanguine and Charcoal May 21- 25 Portrait & Selfportrait May 28 – June 1 Watercolor


Long term academic course of Visual Arts

Tempera painting

The entire course has an overall duration of 2 academic years (72 weeks), during which students will approach, learn and practice the different techniques for drawing, painting, art graphics, illustration and comics. Every year students will thoroughly attend 504 hours of tuition.

AdG school created a two-year study programme whose aim […]

Sketchbook in Florence…

Here are a few pictures taken last week during the lessons of our Sketchbook and Landscape course in the squares and gardens of Florence. The course has been organized by Accademia del Giglio.

Alcune foto scattate durante il corso di Sketchbook e paesaggismo tenutosi la scorsa settimana a Firenze e organizzato dall’Accademia del Giglio.

Art seminars in Florence from May to September!

Here are the dates of all the Art workshops that are offered at AdG next spring and summer

May 2011 2 – 6 Life Drawing 9 – 13 Sanguine 16 – 20 Sketchbook 23 – 27 Watercolor

June 2011 6 – 10 Portrait 13 – 17 Trompe l’oeil 20 – 24 Sketchbook 27 – July […]

Life Drawing Workshop next August in Florence

This summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Life Drawing Workshop in Florence on the following date:

August 2nd – 6th 2010

This course deals with visual understanding by direct observation of the human body and it includes the acquisition of basic notions of anatomy as well as the methodology […]

5-day Art workshop in sketchbook and landscape in Florence and in the Tuscan countryside

This summer Accademia del Giglio will organize 3 Sketchbook and landscape workshops in Florence and in its surroundings on the following dates:

July 26th – 30th 2010 August 16th – 20th 2010 September 20th – 24th 2010

The Sketchbook and Landscape Workshop has been conceived for those students who wish to discover (or […]

May 2010: Art studio pics

The making of a portrait by Miquel Seguer Fernandez (oil)


Sketches by Biserka Petrovic, Art teacher (charcoal)


Portait (oil) and nude drawings (charcoal) by Ken Hanai

Work in progress at the studio

Self-portrait by Miquel Seguer Fernanndez

Still life drawing by Gail Noddle Nee Zatylny

Male nude drawing by Ken Hanai

Still Life drawing by Andrea Evangelou

Fresco by Ken Hanai (after a work by Franz Halz)

Oil portrait of a lady by Gail Noddle Nee Zatylny


Drawing and […]

Life Drawing Workshop next summer in Florence

Next summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Life Drawing Workshop in Florence on the following dates:

June 21st – 25th 2010 August 2nd – 6th 2010

This course deals with visual understanding by direct observation of the human body and it includes the acquisition of basic notions of anatomy as well as the […]

One-week Art workshop of Portrait tecniques

Next summer Accademia del Giglio will organize a Portrait (and self-portrait) workshop in Florence on the following date:

June 7th – 11th 2010 Expiring date for enrollment: May 14th 2010

This course is mainly an intensive study of the physiognomy. Through making rapid strokes in pencil (or charcoal) students will learn how to portray the […]