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Ottobre 2006

Foreigners living in Italy: blogs (2)

cartina d'italiaKatie has a nice weblog about Italy called portami via (come and get me). This is her presentation: “I drink too much coffee. I let the dishes sit in the sink for days. I sing in the shower. I follow people around the supermarket if I hear them speaking a foreign language. I get antsy, and can’t stay in one place for too long. Here I am, world. Come and get me.” She is an English teacher and she lives in Trento. As you can see from this post she has some commonplace problems with the Italian way of life such as erratic driving, respect of lines, opening time of the shops… She is also quite upset by the English language of her students. We have tried to support her by leaving a comment on her blog.
Katerina from Illinois is on the contrary planning to move to Italy next January. Her love for Italy dates back to 2002 and she has a blog with a real Italian name: Olive Oil and Vino Dreams. Since she is partly Italian she is trying to obtain an Italian passport, so her blog describes all the difficulties she has been experiencing on arranging her travel and her future life here. Katerina has also written a book about her adventures of her summer in Florence in 2005: it would be nice to read some excerpts from her book.

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