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Alfabeto semiserio italiano: S come…

S come Gabriele Salvatores

S come Umberto Saba

S come salamino

S come Roberto Saviano

S come savoiardi

S come Savona

S come sbrisolona

S come scacciapensieri

S come schiacciata

S come Sicilia

S come Siena

S come sorbetto

S come spaghetti

S come Sorrento

S come Telemaco Signorini

S come Emilio Salgari


Qual è la tua parola italiana preferita con la S?

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1 comment to Alfabeto semiserio italiano: S come…

  • […] Specialty Food and Cuisine in Florence Food, What's New — By katiegreenaway on January 16, 2012 at 9:51 am Tweet As many cities have there token dishes and recipes, so does Florence. There are many popular pasta dishes but these dishes are not always the first thing someone would order on an Italian menu. Fegatino and Salmone Crostini, Zucca(pumpkin) Crostini al fegato are little pieces of bread with chicken liver spread over them. Then it is put into the oven to toast the top of each crostini. This is a traditional antipasto(appetizer) in Florence. These crostini are always available on a Tuscan menu and present in the homes of Florentines. Chicken liver always scares the typical tourists, but I promise you once you try it, you will be hooked. Trippa and Lampredotto at Piazza Mercato del Nuovo Trippa alla fiorentina is another dish that once people translate the meaning of “trippa” (tripe) they won’t want to try it. It is one of the delicacies of the Tuscan cuisine. It is the stomach of a calf and is also referred to as lampredotto. Tripe is used in many recipes and is often considered fast food in Florence. It can be put on a sandwich or be eaten out of a bowl with a red, tomato sauce. This delicacy is a light and lean meal that Florentines thrive on. Schiacciata of Florence Schiacciata is the famous bread of Florence and the surrounding areas in Tuscany. You can find it in most if not all of the bakeries in Florence. The smell of the bread will for sure entice you. Schiacciata is a kind of flat bread with olive oil, salt and can be flavored with spices. It is a common snack for young children in the morning or in the afternoon. Have you tried these delicacies in Florence? Photo credit: crostini al fegato, trippa, schiacciata […]

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